How to Fix Mds and mds_stores Constantly Consuming CPU

MacOS is now one of the most reliable and error-free operating systems on the market, but nothing is perfect. The mds stores process, which takes a lot of CPU resources and slows down or lags the mac, is one such issue. Some software flaws are just ordinary errors that can be overlooked, but other software flaws make the device work harder than it should.

In this post, if you’re having difficulties with the mds stores process on your MacBook or iMac, we’ll show you how to identify the root cause of the problem and provide you solutions.

So let’s get started with our post and restore your Mac’s usual speed and smoothness. But hold on! It would probably be better if you first learned what the mds stores process is and why it is responsible for your mac’s excessive CPU consumption. You might be able to identify the potential causes of the issue in your mac just by being aware of it.

Diagnose the Cause of High CPU Usage

It’s critical to determine whether mds stores is actually the problem if you’re trying to fix a high CPU utilization or mac latency issue. Other than mds stores, there are many other factors that might contribute to excessive CPU consumption, so let’s investigate if the spotlight is to blame or not.

High CPU use detection techniques:

  • Use the shortcut + + A (Shift + Command + A) to open applications.
  • Then choose Utilities.
  • To open it, click Activity Monitor right now.
  • To order all the apps by the proportion of CPU consumption once you are inside, click on percent CPU at the top.
  • Verify whether the process mds stores is utilizing a high CPU load under the Process Name heading.

If it uses more than 80 to 90 percent of the CPU, the mds stores are to blame; if not, you shouldn’t follow this approach. You must identify the procedure that is the source of the problem and consult the pertinent manual. However, the procedures to fix excessive CPU consumption are the same for everyone, so you may follow this guide as well and see whether it works for you if you like.

What does mds stores mean on a Mac?

Spotlight uses the mds, sometimes referred to as the MetaData Server, as a background process. All the files and folders on your Mac, as well as any external drives connected to your Mac, are indexed by Spotlight, and the mds sotres process maintains a a list of all the indexed files’ and folders’ information (location). The indexing often takes place when you turn on your computer or laptop for the first time, install a new copy of macOS, and it occasionally happens when new material is copied from the internet or pasted into your Mac. Therefore, even if you notice this process in your Activity Monitor, it may not always be a problem; instead, troubleshooting is only necessary when it results in excessive CPU utilization (around 80-100 percent )

Why does mds stores require a lot of CPU?

Mds stores employs CPU whenever it does indexing for the spotlight in order to complete the operation swiftly. The indexing typically takes 10-15 minutes (or occasionally up to an hour), during which time you may notice significant CPU consumption in your Behavior Monitor. This is quite normal, but if your Mac becomes sluggish during this period, it may be the result of some unexpected activity. Sometimes the problem might also be caused by the fact that you’re using Time Machine backup or a bigger disk in your Mac. Let’s move on to the guide’s troubleshooting section now.

How to Reduce High CPU Usage of mds stores?

These 4 approaches may be used to fix mds process utilizing high CPU issues on your Mac. To swiftly solve the problem, follow them in the prescribed order.

1. Reboot the iMac or MacBook

You may be considering how restarting the computer may fix this, however as you are all aware, the majority of us don’t even bother to turn off our computers for years at a time, which occasionally results in some damaged cache or data building up in the memory, slowing it down. Therefore, it is advisable to restart the Mac once before using any additional techniques.

MacOS restart procedures:

  • Pick Apple from the list of choices.
  • Restart by clicking to proceed.
  • Wait for a moment.

Once your MacBook has fully rebooted. Check Activity Monitor to see whether the problem has been fixed. Move on to the following stage if you can observe mds stores using CPU.

2. Force Spotlight Indexing to Restart

It is preferable to force restart the software before using the more conventional techniques because restarting the application can occasionally resolve the problem of high CPU consumption.

Steps to Restart Spotlight:

  • Navigate to Applications > Utilities > Terminal to launch the Terminal.
  • Then type sudo launchctl unload -w/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ to remove the file from your system’s launch daemons.
  • When asked, enter the root password.
  • Reboot the Mac by selecting Restart.
  • Once more, open Terminal and type sudo launchctl -w/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ before pressing Enter.
  • Close the Terminal, type the root password, and restart the laptop once again.
  • Go to Go > Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor after restarting your Mac to see whether the issue is still there.

Ideally, when you check at Activity Monitor, the CPU use will be considerably reduced. The mds stores process may still be visible in Activity Monitor, but it won’t likely be using as much CPU as it once did. If it is, though, it’s time to move on to the next method.

3. Prevent Spotlight from Indexing the Cause Folder

It’s likely that some of the folders you recently transferred into your system may have had a large number of files, which would have made mds stores use a significant amount of CPU power to index them. In order to test if it works for you, you may try explicitly removing certain directories from Spotlight indexing.

How to Block Spotlight Access to Particular Locations or Folders:

  • Navigate to System Preferences.
  • Look for Spotlight right now.
  • Last but not least, privacy
  • Place the locations and folders you want to limit there.

The next time Spotlight indexes data, it will use less CPU if you add folders or places that you don’t want it to. To hasten the indexing process, you may also prevent Time Machine backup, Dropbox, etc. from appearing in Spotlight. If you wish to utilize a certain directory again after removing it from the indexing, you can reindex it.

4. Turning off Mac’s Spotlight Indexing Features

Only use this approach if all other options have failed. Due to the fact that mds stores and mdworker are linked to Spotlight, doing so will disable Spotlight, causing them to stop functioning.

Activating Spotlight Indexing:

  • Open the terminal by selecting Go > Applications > Utilities.
  • Then type sudo mdutil -a -I off and press the return key.
  • Once again press the return key after entering the root password when asked.

The mds stores process will undoubtedly be eliminated with this technique, but your Mac’s Spotlight feature will no longer be available. Use it only if all other options have failed. You may quickly enable Spotlight whenever you want to see if the problem is there or not by typing sudo mdutil -a -I on and pressing the return key.

5. Rebuild Spotlight Indexing Database

With this approach, the outdated spotlight index database will be deleted and rebuilt in order to address any outdated information causing the problem.

Rebuilding the Spotlight Indexing Database:

  • Navigate to Applications > Utilities > Terminal to launch the Terminal.
  • Afterward, type sudo rm -rf /.Spotlight-V100/ and press Return (Enter).
  • When asked, enter the root password.
  • Using > Restart, close the terminal and restart your Mac.

Wait an hour after your Mac restarts for Spotlight to reindex all the data. Additionally, the indexing is carried out when your Mac is in sleep mode, allowing you to close the lid at that time.


I really hope that this post was helpful in resolving your mds stores utilizing excessive CPU utilization issue and that you can now use your laptop without experiencing any latency. You must have figured by this point how simple the answers were. Please let us know in the comment section if you need assistance with any approach or stage. If any of these solutions worked for you, please share which in the comments so that other people who are having the same problem may benefit.

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